Python Tkinter

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Python Tkinter

2024-01-31 09:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Tkinter is a GUI toolkit used in python to make user-friendly GUIs.Tkinter is the most commonly used and the most basic GUI framework available in python. Tkinter uses an object-oriented approach to make GUIs.Note: For more information, refer to Python GUI – tkinter 

Text Widget

Text Widget is used where a user wants to insert multiline text fields. This widget can be used for a variety of applications where the multiline text is required such as messaging, sending information or displaying information and many other tasks. We can insert media files such as images and links also in the Textwidget.Syntax:  

T = Text(root, bg, fg, bd, height, width, font, ..)

Optional parameters  

root – root window.   bg – background colour   fg – foreground colour   bd – border of widget.   height – height of the widget.   width – width of the widget.   font – Font type of the text.   cursor – The type of the cursor to be used.   insetofftime – The time in milliseconds for which the cursor blink is off.   insertontime – the time in milliseconds for which the cursor blink is on.   padx – horizontal padding.   pady – vertical padding.   state – defines if the widget will be responsive to mouse or keyboards movements.   highlightthickness – defines the thickness of the focus highlight.   insertionwidth – defines the width of insertion character.   relief – type of the border which can be SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE and RIDGE.   yscrollcommand – to make the widget vertically scrollable.   xscrollcommand – to make the widget horizontally scrollable.  

Some Common methods 

index(index) – To get the specified index.   insert(index) – To insert a string at a specified index.   see(index) – Checks if a string is visible or not at a given index.   get(startindex, endindex) – to get characters within a given range.   delete(startindex, endindex) – deletes characters within specified range.

Tag handling methods  

tag_delete(tagname) – To delete a given tag.   tag_add(tagname, startindex, endindex) – to tag the string in the specified range   tag_remove(tagname, startindex, endindex) – to remove a tag from specified range  

Mark handling methods  

mark_names() – to get all the marks in the given range.   index(mark) – to get index of a mark.   mark_gravity() – to get the gravity of a given mark. 

Example 1:  


import tkinter as tk     root = Tk()   # specify size of window. root.geometry("250x170")   # Create text widget and specify size. T = Text(root, height = 5, width = 52)   # Create label l = Label(root, text = "Fact of the Day") l.config(font =("Courier", 14))   Fact = """A man can be arrested in Italy for wearing a skirt in public."""   # Create button for next text. b1 = Button(root, text = "Next", )   # Create an Exit button. b2 = Button(root, text = "Exit",             command = root.destroy)   l.pack() T.pack() b1.pack() b2.pack()   # Insert The Fact. T.insert(tk.END, Fact)   tk.mainloop()



Example 2: Saving Text and performing operations 


from tkinter import *   root = Tk() root.geometry("300x300") root.title(" Q&A ")   def Take_input():     INPUT = inputtxt.get("1.0", "end-1c")     print(INPUT)     if(INPUT == "120"):         Output.insert(END, 'Correct')     else:         Output.insert(END, "Wrong answer")       l = Label(text = "What is 24 * 5 ? ") inputtxt = Text(root, height = 10,                 width = 25,                 bg = "light yellow")   Output = Text(root, height = 5,               width = 25,               bg = "light cyan")   Display = Button(root, height = 2,                  width = 20,                  text ="Show",                  command = lambda:Take_input())   l.pack() inputtxt.pack() Display.pack() Output.pack()   mainloop()




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